Avramova Aesthetic


NLS Bioresonance Health Computer Diagnostics with
           METATRON Metapathia GR Hospital 

Primary Diagnostics 

It includes examination of all organs and systems in the human body, allergens, food intolerance, drawing up an individual health program.

Persons over 16 years - 250 BGN /80 min./

Children up to 16 yrs- 180 BGN /60 min./


Control Diagnostics

The control diagnosis is to monitor the effect of the prescribed treatment /not later than 5 months after the primary diagnostics/.

Control check up - 100 BGN /45 min./


Consultation on documents and research with D-r Hadzhieva

15 min - 30 BGN

Bioresonance therapy with Driver Resonator: 

60 min - 35 BGN

90 min - 45 BGN



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