Avramova Aesthetic

Holistic Center Transmed

Who are we? What is our mission?

Our aim is to bring together the best of millennial knowledge of nature and the most up-to-date diagnostic and treatment equipment.

Our mission is to help people become aware and active participants in achieving their optimal health by balancing their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels.

We use the following natural methods: phytotherapy, homeopathy, lithotherapy, apitherapy, ayurveda, aromatherapy, Bach Flower Essences and others.

According to an old saying, one has to use the words for three purposes: to heal, to bless and to help. In order to go along the path of true and complete health, the Transmed Holistic Center team will give you a hand!

What is holistic medicine?

In the last few years, the basic principles of healthcare have evolved, as a central role in this change was natural (holistic) medicine. It is based on the belief that the human body has remarkable internal healing powers. A new paradigm based on the understanding that the body, the spirit, the emotions, the social factors and the environment are interconnected. Holistic medicine is also called naturopathy in the spirit and traditions of Western European and American traditions. Naturopathy is a system that uses a variety of natural resources to empower the individual to achieve the best possible health.

The basic principles of holistic medicine are:

  •     A complex treatment of mental, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level, as a collection of spirit, soul and body.
  •     Treatment involves fixing the cause of the condition, not just alleviating the symptoms.
  •     The power of thought is used as a healing tool.

The program of holistic treatment includes:

  •     Removing harmful habits
  •     Creating healthy habits
  •     Applying new practices

The philosophy of holistic medicine:

Although the term holistic was introduced at the end of the 19th century, philosophical principles of natural medicine date back thousands of years. The following concepts are included in this concept:

  •     Nature has healing powers
  •     Above all, it does not hurt
  •     Heals the patient as a whole
  •     Prevention is the best cure
  •     Achieving health and harmony

Holistic medicine is unique in that it includes a variety of healing techniques:

  •     Cell nutrition - diet treatment
  •     Phytotherapy - treatment through plants
  •     Homeopathy - treatment of the similar principle is treated with a similar. Homeopathic preparations are highly diluted in infusions of different plants, minerals or chemical substances
  •     Manual therapy and acupuncture - treatment for boosting vital energy
  •     Hydrotherapy and physiotherapy
  •     Bioresonance therapy
  •     Detoxification - Deep cleansing of the body and all its organs, including heavy metals and radiation
  •     Suitable activities



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